Clinician Mentoring

Find Your New Compass

You are evolving, and want something more from your practice and clinical career. With all of your hard-earned skills, knowledge, and wisdom, you sense there is so much more you can do to make a greater impact. You want to upgrade your professional career to achieve your new vision, but you aren’t sure what that looks like or how to get there.

Evolve Into Your Destiny

Not everyone is designed to follow a single path for an entire career. Some of us are meant to blaze new trails.

With over 25 years of experience as the owner of several ObGyn practices, a co-founder/CEO of a biotech and clinical education company, clinical consultant and educational program developer, speaker, writer, soul growth coach, and guide, I’ve navigated many career changes as I forged new paths.

Each time I had to RESET my direction to follow my inner compass. It hasn’t always been easy, but I’ve learned how to bring forward what I need and let go what I don’t with grace and gratitude.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that evolving and forging new paths is always easier with support. Yes, you are the only one who can walk your unique journey with your unique gifts. But you don’t have to do it alone.

As your mentor and guide, I’ll help you navigate the uncertainties and possibilities as you tap into your inner compass and find your new direction. You’ll have full support as we map out the steps and strategies you need to ensure your career can evolve along with you.

Once you launch your new direction, you’ll still have support in successfully stepping out of your comfort zone. We’ll leverage my team and network to help you blaze your trail with confidence.


Let’s have a conversation.

Praise from Clients


“I highly recommend doing this work with Bobbi to anyone interested in learning more about how to maximize their human potential! I believe we all could benefit from a “guidebook" on how to navigate life and earth school more easily. This is a great process for just that...”

— Deanna Cherrone MD


“The practice that I had been a part of for years suddenly closed. I was overwhelmed, but Dr. Kline was there to support me every step of the way. She has been a wonderful supporter, sounding board, and friend along this journey. I am so thankful for her help!”

— Jessica Hoffman RDN

“Dr. Bobbi Kline is a gem in the fields of medicine and health and a rarity too. She is a skilled presenter and a treasured mentor, coach, and partner of mine as we push the boundaries of medicine and healthcare.

— Amanda Archibald RD


“This entire process was amazing. The level to which she essentially "pulled back the covers" and described my way of "being" was truly beyond this realm. Dr. Kline shared this information and supported me in a heart centered and caring manner with clear direction. Now I feel I have a place from which to begin.”

— Michelle Warren MD


  • Board-certified ObGyn, USAF Veteran

  • Integrative Personalized Medicine and Functional Genomics Specialist

  • Clinician Mentor and Coach

  • Genetic Testing Program Developer (Consultancy) - Bard Diagnostics, NYC

  • Science Officer / Research Strategy Advisor - IHRC (Integrative Health Research Center)

  • Fmr. Clinical Advisor - Sodexo at Sharp Healthcare

  • Medical Advisory Board Member - American Breast Cancer Foundation, Clinical Cognitive Facilitator Training, Spectrum Advanced Aesthetics

  • Fmr. co-founder and CEO of several genomic medicine companies with NGX and PGX testing, culinary genomics, personalized supplement formulation, clinician education & training

  • Faculty at University of Western States, Nutritional Genomics & Epigenetics

  • Educational Director - Women’s Health Collaborative (501c3)

  • Publisher/Editor - Women’s Health Digest, HealthTech Reporter, IPHA News, AngioPress

  • Curricular Development (Consultancy) - Advanced Applications in Nutritional Genomics and Epigenetics, Genomic Medicine Certification Program, Genomic Medicine Mastermind Program, Psilocybin Facilitator Training Program, Nutrition-Certified Esthetician Program

  • Fmr. Faculty and Lead Functional Medicine Program Developer, UNECOM (University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine)


Let’s have a conversation.