Predisposition Program

Knowledge and tools to take charge of your health.

Get Peace of Mind

Do you have a family history of cancer, and want to be proactive in optimizing your own health?

Are you looking for answers so you can stop worrying about whether that might happen to you too?

The first step is to educate yourself on your own genetics and biology.

Faulty Codes in Our Genes

Your genes are specific sections of your DNA that carry the code for the proteins that run everything that happens in your body. But sometimes that genetic code is faulty.

Mutations are one kind of altered code that can change how your biology functions.

Certain genetic mutations can increase your risk for more rare diseases, including cancers, and it’s often possible to predict that risk. These mutations are often inherited and can run in families, although not everyone in the family may have them. While conventional medicine has been based on the premise that the outcomes for genetic mutations cannot be altered, this science is changing based on the ongoing findings from the Human Genome Project.

Polymorphisms are another type of altered code that can affect how your biology functions and thus your health.

Polymorphisms, or SNPs (pronounced “snips”) are much more subtle changes in your DNA that also alter your genetic code and the proteins that are produced. They can impact every biological system in your body, including how you process your food and medications, metabolize hormones, and respond to stress and environmental toxins.

SNPs can also predispose you to inflammation, oxidative stress, DNA damage, and other processes that can predispose you to cancer and other diseases. However, because the biological changes with SNPs are less severe than those with genetic mutations, the link to disease or cancer is not quite so direct.

This means that it is harder to predict whether you may get a certain disease, including cancer, because these SNPs interact with each other to create predispositions rather than specific quantifiable risks. But the good news is that you can potentially modify that outcome through your dietary and lifestyle choices.

A New Paradigm

We now know that mutations and SNPs can work together.

Recent research is showing us that these SNPs may modify the risk for genetically inherited diseases, including BRCA-related breast cancer.

These studies highlight the need for a new conversation around the idea of a predetermined “fate” with a genetic mutation and open up new opportunities to potentially change this by leveraging the power of genomics.

Learning about your own predispositions can give you the peace of mind you are looking for. You can stop worrying about the unknowns and “what ifs”. You’ll start feeling in control because you have answers and you have a plan—a truly personalized plan because it is based on your unique genetic code.

Are you ready to take charge of your health and life?

Take the First Step

Contact us to learn more and see if the Predisposition Program is right for you.